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Ekran Resmi 2021-01-09 02.03.10.png
Ekran Resmi 2021-01-09 02.02.52.png


2 pieces/50x70cm

Digital Collage

Pigment Print


Every day a new moment;

Every moment a new trail;

Every trail a new zone;

Every zone a new life.


Many zones into which we have went in and out during the modern age; where we have shared our moments, even lives.. 

Our witnessing of the births and deaths of these constructions in days, months and years..

Many constructions that rise and fall in the same periods of time..

The struggle to open up new zones..

The struggle of the old to coexist with the new..

Ekran Resmi 2021-01-09 12.48.36.png

Kazıklıköy Exhibition,

Versus Art Project,


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